Friday, September 21, 2012

Protest Against blasphemy film update by Adil Lahorei

The leaders delivered speeches and protesters burnt an American flag.
The participants have assured the security officials that their protest will be a peaceful one and no public property will be damaged.
Anticipating a possible march towards the US Consulate in the city, the roads leading to the diplomatic mission have been blocked with containers.
Hundred of policemen have been deployed to maintain law and order during protests.

Its very shameful that this is not a protest its a game and way to loot the ppl goods and damage it all During the pics i faced many problems there are a lot of wounds in my body but i have done my work for more info regarding pics u may visit Facebook 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Exhibition in Lahore Organized by Adil Lahorei

Exhibition in Lahore with the collaboration of Adil Lahorei Cultural Club (ALCC) Organized by Adil lahorei